Home Color and Lighting
Unless proper training has been given in design, most people won’t even think about the type of lighting they have in their home. They will simply accept the type of lighting they have and won’t revisit the subject until their lightbulb dies out and they are forced to visit their nearest hardware store. Most might know about natural sunlight, but they’ll often overlook the effects that their overhead and floor lighting can have on their living spaces. Home color and lighting are two things that go hand in hand, and ignoring how they go together could throw off the vibe of a room.
Different Lighting in Bulbs
When going to the hardware store, have you ever noticed the lighting display section? There are overhead, floor, and wall lighting items. If closer attention is paid, you’ll notice that the light they give off is never the same. This can be due to the type of bulb, and even the glass or cover encasing the bulb. To assume that any bulb will do for any room in a home is a mistake. For white lightbulbs, there are descriptions such as ultra-warm white, warm white, natural white, daylight, cool white, and yellow. The list doesn’t end there either, and different companies have different names for them too! Each of these bulbs creates an extremely different look in a living space.
Ultra Warm White
This color is best displayed where someone might spend most of their time for relaxing. This tone is perfect for bedrooms and living rooms. Ultra-Warm White makes bright colors such as yellow, orange, and red appear a bit more intense. On the other end of the spectrum, cool colors such as green, blue and gray will become a bit duller. This color also works well for decorative outdoor lighting and commercial spaces such as restaurants.
Natural White
Natural white gives off a brighter look than the orange hue that warm white gives off. This color compliments areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, and workspaces best. Any other work areas also benefit from this lighting, such as office spaces and garages. Natural white is the best to help paint colors retain their look. Have you ever noticed, while painting, that the color doesn’t quite look like the one you bought at the store no more than 20 minutes ago? That’s because the lighting is off, and failing to consider that when decorating can completely change the mood of a room. If the goal is to keep the color the same as when you saw it at the store, then natural white is the way to go.
Cool White
Cool White is a color that can be used in a variety of locations. However, just because it can be used in almost any room, doesn’t mean it should be. The right colors still have to be in place for the room and colors to thrive. No one wants to stare at an off-colored red wall while working in the office. In addition to being used in living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms, cool white is used in offices, closets, utility rooms, game rooms, basements, and commercial spaces such as hospitals. Always remember that if you opt to go for this color, the colors in your space will have an added bluish hue to them.
Pro Opinion
Sometimes figuring these things out on our own can be difficult. We believe that paint should look its best in any room, and in any situation, but not everyone has the knowledge and experience we do. If you are unsure about what your next step is, contact us! We are always more than happy to help with your paint and home.